Agar Plates - How to

How to make agar plates for mushroom cultivation – step-by-step instructions


The world of mushroom cultivation is fascinating and offers hobby growers and professionals alike numerous opportunities to develop their own mushroom cultures. If you want to control the entire process from start to finish, working with agar plates is essential. Agar plates allow you to grow healthy mushroom mycelium and detect contamination at an early stage. In this article, you will learn how to make your own agar plates for mushroom cultivation and avoid typical mistakes.

What is agar and why is it important for mushroom cultivation?

Definition of agar

Agar, often also called agar-agar, is a gelatinous substrate obtained from red algae. It is odorless, tasteless and purely vegetable. In microbiology and fungal cultivation, agar serves as a solid culture medium on which microorganisms and fungi can grow.

Advantages of agar in mushroom cultivation

  • Nutrient-rich base: Agar provides an ideal breeding ground for the growth of fungal mycelium.
  • Detection of contamination: You can quickly identify unwanted microorganisms on transparent agar plates.
  • Controlled growth: You can observe and specifically promote mycelium growth.

Why make your own agar plates?

While you can buy ready-made agar plates, making your own offers several advantages:

  • Cost savings: Doing it yourself is often cheaper than buying ready-made products.
  • Quality control: you know exactly which ingredients have been used.
  • Customizability: You can adapt the culture medium to the specific needs of your mushroom culture.

Materials required


  • 10 g agar agar powder
  • 10 g malt extract (light malt extract to nourish the mycelium)
  • 500 ml distilled water


  • Petri dishes (diameter 90 mm or 100 mm)
  • Digital scales (accurate to at least 0.1 g)
  • Heat-resistant glass container (autoclavable)
  • Pressure cooker (for sterilization)
  • Nitrile gloves
  • 70 % isopropyl alcohol (for disinfection)
  • Aluminum foil
  • Laminar flow box or still air box (for sterile working conditions)
  • Parafilm or adhesive tape (to seal the Petri dishes)

Step-by-step instructions for making agar plates

1. preparation of the working environment

  • Sterility is crucial: Disinfect your work surface thoroughly with 70% alcohol.
  • Wear gloves: Reduces the risk of contamination.
  • Working environment: Ideally, work in a laminar flow box or a self-built still-air box.

2. weighing and mixing the ingredients

  • Weigh the agar-agar and malt extract: Use the digital scale for precise measurements.
  • Mix the ingredients: Add the agar agar powder and the malt extract to the glass jar.
  • Add water: Pour in 500 ml of distilled water and stir the mixture well.

3. sterilization of the agar mixture

  • Cover the glass jar: Use aluminum foil to loosely cover the jar.
  • Prepare the pressure cooker: Place a rack or cloth on the bottom to avoid direct contact.
  • Sterilize: Place the glass jar in the pressure cooker and sterilize at 15 PSI (about 121 °C) for 30 minutes.

4. cool the agar mixture

  • Release the pressure: Allow the pressure cooker to cool down naturally.
  • Bring the agar to temperature: Wait until the mixture has cooled to around 50 °C – it should still be liquid, but not too hot.

5. pouring the agar plates

  • Prepare the Petri dishes: Place them in your sterile working environment.
  • Pour in the agar: Carefully pour a thin layer of agar into each Petri dish (about 1/3 of the dish).
  • Close the lid: Replace the lid immediately to avoid contamination.
  • Allow to harden: Allow the agar plates to cool completely and set.

6. sealing and storage

  • Seal: Wrap the edges of the Petri dishes with parafilm or adhesive tape.
  • Storage: Keep the finished agar plates at room temperature or in the refrigerator until you are ready to use them.

Use of agar plates in mushroom cultivation

Introduction of spores or mycelium

  • Sterile conditions: Always work in a sterile environment to avoid contamination.
  • Transfer: Use a sterile inoculation needle or scalpel to transfer spores or mycelium to the agar plate.
  • Incubation: Store the inoculated agar plates at the optimum temperature for your fungal species (usually between 20 °C and 25 °C).

Observation and isolation

  • Observe growth: Mycelium growth should be visible within a few days.
  • Recognize contamination: If unwanted microorganisms are growing, you can often recognize them by colour deviations or unusual structures.
  • Isolate pure mycelium: Cut out a piece of healthy mycelium and transfer it to a new agar plate.

Tips and tricks for success

  • Be patient: Mycelium growth can take several days to weeks.
  • Regular checks: Check your agar plates regularly for signs of contamination.
  • Documentation: Note the date, type of mushroom and other relevant information on each Petri dish.

Why shop at

Quality products for your mushroom cultivation

  • Ready-to-use agar plates: If you want to save time, we offer ready-to-use agar plates.
  • Accessories and materials: You can find everything you need for successful mushroom cultivation in our online store.

Expert advice

  • Team of experts: Our employees will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • Guides and resources: Benefit from our extensive knowledge and helpful articles.


Making your own agar plates is an important step for anyone serious about mushroom cultivation. With the right preparation and care, you can create high-quality culture media that will promote the growth of healthy mushroom cultures. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced grower, taking control of this process will allow you to maximize the quality of your mushrooms.

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Note: The information provided in this article is for general education and is intended for people who wish to cultivate edible and legally cultivable mushroom species. Please observe the legal regulations of your country regarding mushroom cultivation.

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