Mycotherapy for humans and animals – Natural health through medicinal mushrooms

Introduction to mycotherapy

Welcome to, your expert for medicinal mushrooms and mycotherapy. At a time when more and more people are looking for natural and holistic approaches to promote their health, mycotherapy – healing with mushrooms – is increasingly coming into focus. This form of therapy uses the powerful properties of medicinal mushrooms to support the well-being of humans and animals in a natural way.

Mycotherapy, also known as mushroom medicine, has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, shiitake and cordyceps have been used in Asia for over 2000 years to prevent and treat various ailments. Today, we combine this millennia-old knowledge with modern scientific research to offer you high-quality products and sound information.

What is mycotherapy?

Mycotherapy is a holistic naturopathic method based on the use of medically effective mushrooms – so-called medicinal mushrooms. These mushrooms are characterized by their high content of bioactive substances, which can have a variety of positive effects on the body.

History and origin

  • Traditional use: In China, Japan and other Asian countries, medicinal mushrooms have always been used to strengthen the body and mind. They were regarded as elixirs for longevity, vitality and mental clarity.
  • Mythology and culture: Mushrooms were often regarded as gifts from the gods. The Reishi mushroom, also known as “Ling Zhi”, is described in ancient Chinese texts as the “herb of spiritual potency”.
  • Modern development: With the growing recognition of alternative healing methods in the western world, more intensive scientific research into medicinal mushrooms began in the 20th century.

Basics of mycotherapy

  • Holistic approach: Mycotherapy views humans and animals as a unity of body, mind and soul. The aim is to restore the natural balance and activate self-healing powers.
  • Synergistic effects: Medicinal mushrooms contain a variety of active ingredients that unfold their effects in combination. This makes them versatile helpers in health care.
  • Individual application: Every organism is unique. The choice of the right mushroom or combination of mushrooms depends on the individual’s needs and state of health.

Mode of action of medicinal mushrooms in mycotherapy

Bioactive ingredients

Vital mushrooms are real treasure troves of valuable ingredients:

  • Polysaccharides (beta-glucans): These complex carbohydrates modulate the immune system by influencing the activity of immune cells such as macrophages and natural killer cells.
  • Triterpenes: Secondary plant substances with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cholesterol-lowering properties.
  • Ergosterol: A precursor of vitamin D2, important for bone metabolism and the immune system.
  • Enzymes and amino acids: Support the metabolism and promote cell regeneration.
  • Minerals and trace elements: Contains zinc, iron, selenium, potassium and others that are essential for many bodily functions.

Mechanisms of action

  • Immune modulation: Vital mushrooms can both stimulate and regulate the immune system. They help to dampen overreactions and strengthen the body’s defenses.
  • Adaptogenic effect: They increase the body’s resistance to physical, chemical and biological stressors.
  • Antioxidant effects: Neutralize free radicals and protect cells from oxidative stress, which can slow down the aging process.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Reduce chronic inflammation associated with many degenerative diseases.
  • Metabolic regulation: Have a positive effect on sugar and fat metabolism, support diabetes and increase insulin sensitivity.

Mycotherapy for people

Areas of application

Mycotherapy offers a wide range of applications for human health:

1. strengthening the immune system

  • Prevention of infections: In times of increased risk of infection, such as during the flu season, medicinal mushrooms can strengthen the body’s defenses.
  • Support for chronic diseases: In autoimmune diseases such as rheumatism or multiple sclerosis, they can modulate the immune system.

2. stress management and mental health

  • Burnout prophylaxis: Vital mushrooms can help to increase stress resistance and strengthen the nervous system.
  • Support for depression and anxiety: They promote emotional balance and can have a mood-lifting effect.

3. metabolism and weight management

  • Blood sugar regulation: Mushrooms such as maitake support blood sugar control in diabetes.
  • Weight reduction: By stimulating the metabolism and promoting fat burning, they can help with diets.

4. cardiovascular health

  • Cholesterol reduction: Shiitake and reishi can regulate cholesterol levels.
  • Blood pressure regulation: They help to lower blood pressure naturally.

5. digestion and gastrointestinal tract

  • Intestinal flora regulation: Mushrooms such as Hericium promote a healthy intestinal microbiota.
  • Support for gastrointestinal disorders: Relief of symptoms of gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis.

6. skin, hair and nails

  • Anti-ageing effects: Antioxidant active ingredients in mushrooms can slow down the ageing process of the skin.
  • Support for skin diseases: Relief of symptoms of acne, psoriasis or neurodermatitis.

7. cognitive functions

  • Memory and concentration: Hericium can increase cognitive performance.
  • Protection against neurodegenerative diseases: Possible prevention of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.

Comprehensive mushroom portraits

1. reishi(Ganoderma lucidum)


Reishi, also known as the “shiny lacquer mushroom”, is a wood-decomposing fungus with a characteristic shiny, reddish-brown fruiting body. It prefers to grow on dead deciduous trees such as oak and beech.

History and culture
  • Traditional significance: In Chinese medicine, reishi is regarded as the “mushroom of immortality” and has been used for over 2000 years.
  • Symbolism: It stands for success, prosperity, divine power and a long life.
  • Polysaccharides: beta-glucans that modulate the immune system.
  • Triterpenes: Ganoderic acids with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Adenosine: Has a relaxing effect on the nervous system.
  • Immune system: Strengthens and regulates the body’s defenses.
  • Stress reduction: Promotes relaxation and improves sleep quality.
  • Cardiovascular system: Can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Capsules and tablets: Practical for daily intake.
  • Powder: For stirring into smoothies, juices or teas.
  • Extracts: More concentrated, for targeted applications.

Note: At we offer high-quality organic riceishi products that are produced to the highest quality standards.

2. cordyceps(Cordyceps sinensis)


Cordyceps is a parasitic fungus that grows in the wild on certain caterpillar species. Due to its rarity, it is now mostly cultivated.

History and culture
  • Traditional use: Cordyceps has been used for centuries in Tibetan and Chinese medicine as a tonic to increase energy and stamina.
  • Mythology: Stories tell of shepherds who observed the vitalizing effect on their animals.
  • Cordycepin: A nucleoside that has antiviral and antitumor properties.
  • Polysaccharides: Support the immune system.
  • Amino acids and sterols: Promote energy metabolism.
  • Energy and endurance: Increases physical performance.
  • Respiratory tract: Supports lung function, helpful for asthma and bronchitis.
  • Libido and fertility: Can promote sexual vitality.
  • Before sporting activity: To improve performance and speed up regeneration.
  • Regular intake: For lasting energy and vitality.

Note: Our organic Cordyceps products are of the highest purity and quality.

3. shiitake(Lentinula edodes)


Shiitake is a wood-decomposing mushroom that grows on dead hardwood. With its light to dark brown cap and pleasant, slightly garlicky smell, it is very popular in Asian cuisine.

History and culture
  • Culinary importance: The second most popular edible mushroom in the world, prized for its umami flavor.
  • Medical use: In TCM it is used to strengthen the Qi (life energy).
  • Lentinan: A beta-glucan with immunomodulating properties.
  • Eritadenine: Has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism.
  • Vitamins: Rich in vitamin D2 and B vitamins.
  • Immune system: Activates defense cells and promotes the immune response.
  • Cholesterol reduction: Can reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL.
  • Antimicrobial: Effective against various bacteria and viruses.
  • Culinary: Fresh or dried in soups, stir-fries or as a meat substitute.
  • Food supplement: As a powder or capsules for targeted support.

Note: Discover our organic shiitake products in the best quality.

4. hericium(Hericium erinaceus)


Hericium, also known as hedgehog’s beard or lion’s mane, is characterized by its conspicuous, drooping, white spines. It prefers to grow on dead deciduous trees.

History and culture
  • Traditional use: In TCM, Hericium is used for gastrointestinal complaints and to strengthen the nervous system.
  • Culinary delight: Its taste is reminiscent of seafood or chicken, which is why it is appreciated in gourmet cuisine.
  • Erinacine and Hericenone: Unique active ingredients that support the nervous system.
  • Polysaccharides: immunomodulating effects.
  • Antioxidants: protection against oxidative stress.
  • Nervous system: Promotes the regeneration of nerve cells and fibers.
  • Cognitive functions: Improvement of memory and concentration.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: Supports the regeneration of the mucous membranes.
  • For neurological complaints: As a complementary therapy.
  • Digestive problems: For the relief of stomach and intestinal complaints.

Note: Our Hericium products are rich in bioactive substances and free from additives.

5. maitake(Grifola frondosa)


Maitake, also known as the “rattle pot” or “dancing mushroom”, forms large, fan-shaped fruiting bodies and grows at the base of deciduous trees.

History and culture
  • Mythology: The name “Dancing Mushroom” comes from the legend that people danced for joy when they found this precious mushroom.
  • Traditional use: In Japan and China it is used to strengthen the immune system and metabolism.
  • D-Fraction: A beta-glucan complex with a strong immunomodulating effect.
  • Minerals: Rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium.
  • Vitamins: Contains B vitamins and vitamin D.
  • Blood sugar regulation: Supports insulin sensitivity and can lower blood sugar levels.
  • Weight management: Promotes fat metabolism and can help with weight loss.
  • Immune system: Activates immune cells and strengthens the body’s defenses.
  • For metabolic disorders: As part of a holistic therapeutic approach.
  • To strengthen the immune system: especially in times of increased stress.

Note: Our maitake products are carefully processed to preserve the valuable ingredients.

Mycotherapy for animals

Areas of application

Mycotherapy is also becoming increasingly popular in veterinary medicine. Vital mushrooms can be used in a variety of ways for pets such as dogs, cats and horses:

1. strengthening the immune system

  • Prevention: Increasing resistance to infections.
  • Support with illnesses: Accompanying therapies for chronic illnesses.

2. skin and fur

  • Dermatological problems: relief from itching, dandruff or eczema.
  • Coat health: Improves the shine and structure of the coat.

3. stress and behavioral problems

  • Anxiety: Calming effect in nervous or anxious animals.
  • Behavioral problems: Promotion of a balanced state of mind.

4. musculoskeletal system

  • Osteoarthritis and joint problems: Pain relief and promotion of mobility.
  • Rehabilitation: Supporting regeneration after injuries.

5. digestion

  • Gastrointestinal disorders: Regulation of digestion and promotion of healthy intestinal flora.
  • Loss of appetite: Stimulation of appetite in sick or old animals.

6. organ support

  • Liver and kidneys: Promotion of detoxification functions.
  • Cardiovascular system: strengthens the heart and improves blood circulation.

Detailed mushroom portraits for animals

1. reishi for animals

  • Immune system: modulation and strengthening of the body’s defenses.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Relief for allergic reactions and skin problems.
  • Cardiovascular system: supports heart function and blood circulation.
  • Dosage: Depending on body weight; usually 10-20 mg per kg body weight.
  • Administration: Mix powder into feed or administer as capsules.
Special notes
  • Well tolerated: Also suitable for sensitive animals.
  • Combination: Can be combined with other mushrooms such as shiitake or cordyceps.

2. shiitake for animals

  • Vitality and energy: increased zest for life and activity.
  • Digestion: Support for gastrointestinal problems.
  • Antimicrobial: Effective against certain bacteria and viruses.
  • Dosage: Depending on animal species and weight; specialist advice recommended.
  • Administration: Mix powder or extract into the feed.
Special notes
  • Taste: Well accepted by most animals.
  • Additional benefits: Contains important nutrients such as vitamin D and B vitamins.

3. cordyceps for animals

  • Energy and stamina: Ideal for active dogs or sport horses.
  • Respiratory tract: Support for respiratory diseases such as coughs or asthma.
  • Kidney function: Promotes excretion and detoxification.
  • Dosage: Adaptation to the individual animal; usually 5-10 mg per kg body weight.
  • Administration: As a powder or capsule, mixed into the feed.
Special notes
  • Performance: Can shorten the regeneration time after exertion.
  • Tolerance: Generally well tolerated, even with long-term use.

4. hericium for animals

  • Nervous system: Support for neurological disorders or stress.
  • Digestive tract: Helpful for inflammation or irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Dosage: Depending on requirements and animal species; usually 10-20 mg per kg body weight.
  • Administration: Stir powder into feed.
Special notes
  • Calming effect: Can help with behavioral problems.
  • Combination: Effective in combination with reishi or shiitake.

5. maitake for animals

  • Metabolism: support for diabetes or obesity.
  • Immune system: activation of the body’s defenses, helpful for chronic infections.
  • Dosage: Adjust individually; usually 5-10 mg per kg body weight.
  • Administration: Mix powder into feed.
Special notes
  • Accompanying cancer therapy: Can be used as a supportive measure.
  • Fat metabolism: Promotes the breakdown of fat deposits.

Important notes

  • Veterinary supervision: A vet should always be consulted before starting mycotherapy.
  • Product quality: Only use high-quality, pollutant-free products.
  • Individual adjustment: Every organism reacts differently; observe your animal and adjust the dosage if necessary.

Scientific findings on mycotherapy

Current research

The medical effectiveness of medicinal mushrooms has been proven by numerous studies:

  • Immunomodulation
    • Beta-glucans: Studies show increased activity of macrophages and natural killer cells.
    • Cancer research: Studies indicate that medicinal mushrooms can inhibit tumor growth.
  • Antioxidant effects
    • Cell protection: Reduction of oxidative stress and protection of DNA.
    • Ageing processes: Antioxidants can slow down the ageing process.
  • Neurological effects
    • Hericium: Stimulates the production of nerve growth factors (NGF).
    • Neuroprotection: protection against neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Metabolic effects
    • Blood sugar regulation: Maitake improves insulin sensitivity.
    • Cholesterol reduction: Shiitake reduces LDL cholesterol.

Examples of studies

  • Reishi and the immune system
    • A study by the University of California showed that reishi extracts can improve the immune response in cancer patients.
  • Cordyceps and athletic performance
    • Chinese researchers found that Cordyceps increases oxygen uptake and endurance in athletes.
  • Hericium and cognitive functions
    • Japanese studies show an improvement in cognitive function in older people after regular consumption of Hericium.

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